The Myofunction Blog.

At Myofunction, our allied health and exercise professionals are here to help you achieve a pain free life, though our specially designed our 3-phase Repair, Restore and Resilience program. The Myofunction blog supports the mission we have for all our clients – to elevate your rehab journey.

Strength For Chronic Pain Program™️

Unlock Your Potential with Myofunction Brisbane: Your Path to Strength and Rehabilitation At Myofunction Brisbane, we specialize in helping you improve your physical function through effective strength and rehabilitation training. Whether…

The ‘Real’ Facts About Burning Body Fat

EXERCISE SCIENCE (Image: Ross Edgley) The ‘Real’ Facts About Burning Body Fat In this age of information and so-called Insta Fitness “Experts” there is so much B.S. around when it comes to burning body fat. While methods and…

Static & Progressive Exercise Rehab

What is the difference between a static and a progressive exercise rehab? And why does a program out weigh a one-off session?   Static and progressive exercise rehab differ mainly in their scope and goals. Static rehab focuses…

Knowing when not to over treat

MRI's, X-Ray's, Ultrasounds, Injections, Surgery... There's no shortage of investigations and treatments that can be offered. But are these actually helping you? Unfortunately, for many people who enter the medical system they get…

Have you been told your pain is from bursitis? It’s probably NOT bursitis…

If you've had shoulder pain for any period of time and seen your doctor, chances are you've had a diagnosis of 'bursitis'. But is it actually bursitis and even if it was did you receive any meaningful guidance or advice on what to do? Let's…

STILL in pain and now scared to do any activity?

It started off as a bit of pain but you were able to keep training through it. It didn't get better so you tried to give it rest but then when you went back to activity it flared again right away. You kept doing things on and off hoping…

The Power Of A Second Opinion!

Matthew here again. I wanted to share a story about how a second opinion can sometimes drastically improve your current issues and get you back on track much faster. Have you or someone you know been working with another physio or other practitioner…

What is the ACTUAL cost of you being in the same spot 12months from now? (And I’m not just talking about the $$)

Are you dealing with chronic pain and waiting till things get worse? Are work and life stressors running you to ground? How can you possibly just be your best self to show up day in / day out for your family and work? Are you tired…

Rehab Shouldn’t Have to Be This Difficult… Try the ONLY RISK-FREE Exercise Rehab team in Brisbane!

Are you dealing with chronic pain and waiting till things get worse? We know how tough rehab can be. There can be so many ups and downs that it begins to be all consuming. Your work, your home life and your social life are all affected…

More than Rehab – A more holistic approach to rehab and overall health

I just wanted to share a little bit more about my approach to rehab and helping people improve their health as it's a little different than your typical Musculo-Skeletal Therapist & Personal Trainer. A lot of people are dealing with ongoing…

Stop blaming posture for your pain, it’s more likely THIS…

Forward head, rounded shoulders, sway back, rounded spine... You've probably heard these a bunch of times if you've had any sort of neck, back or shoulder pain. Many people (and clinicians) associate posture directly with their pain. And…

Have you heard about our World Class Technology?

There is an old saying that you can't improve what you don't measure. Even though most athletes know this, they will spend the majority of their training season guessing what they should do to optimise their sports performance. This puts…